The Lifesaving Society Website: out with the old, in with the new!

The Lifesaving Society is proud to present its brand-new Web platform. This new site is more than just different colours and an attractive design; content has also been reorganized in a way that allows users to know what our fields of expertise are, and to quickly see what courses and services we offer.

Affiliate members and instructors have now access to an extranet they can use for posting job offers, announcing lifesaving and first aid courses, and submitting all course results online. The extranet also allows lifeguards to consult and modify their personal file, so they easily know when they should recertify their awards, and are able to update their personal information, such as their address and phone number.

Additionally, this new Website is meant to be an important source of educational content. Articles, reference documents, official positions – it’s all here! Lifeguards can therefore access all the tools and documentation they need to always be informed about the rules that govern their work.

The design of our new site has been created and produced in cooperation with Idéali.