Guide de requalification Sauveteur national 2020-2021 (COVID-19) (french only)

This guide will present the lifesaving standards for evaluating lifeguards to requalify for the National Lifeguard certificate and its options. The evaluation standards will be adjusted to the COVID-19 situation.

Fiche technique - SAUVETEUR NATIONAL - PISCINE - en contexte de COVID-19 (french only)

For the evaluation of National Lifeguard candidates on the requalification exam and preparation for lifeguarding during the gradual reopening of bathing areas in the context of COVID-19.

Fiche technique - CERTIFICATS DES NIVEAUX BRONZE - en contexte de COVID-19(french only)

This guide will outline the lifesaving standards for teaching and evaluating at the Bronze levels (assistant lifeguard). The teaching and evaluation standards will be adjusted given COVID-19.



Fiche technique - CERTIFICATS DE SECOURISME - en contexte de COVID-19(french only)

The sheet for the evaluation of General First Aid candidates during the requalification examination and for the preparation for rescue during the gradual reopening of bathing places in the context of COVID-19

Bulletin clinique – chaîne de survie – suivre les recommandations pour la noyade et les premiers intervenants et secouristes en milieu de travail pour les situation n’impliquant pas de noyade (french only)


Liste d'équipements de protection (COVID-19) (french only)



The Lifesaving Society is taking the COVID-19 crisis seriously and responding to government demands. Thus, the Lifesaving Society reiterates its commitment to ensure the well-being and safety of all those who are engaged in the pursuit of its mission.

This special section therefore brings together all the documentation related to COVID-19 for all workers in the aquatic environment.

The Lifesaving Society is making webinars on working in an aquatic environment in the context of COVID-19 available to all aquatic managers, SN instructors, lifeguard instructors, lifeguards in order to ensure a safe presence at work.



Facteurs R.I.D. (french only)

La surveillance aquatiques pour les exploitants de lieux de baignade - in collaboration with the Régie du bâtiment du Québec (french only)



Aquatic surveillance | Capsule update - june 28





Documents are available on your Dashboard.

Technological tools for teaching | Capsule coming in September

Redesign of a training course to adapt it to the needs of the blended training | coming in September

Adaptation of pedagogy to the current context (french only)


Healt and security

COVID-19 : Spécifications pour les piscines et les installations aquatiques (APSAM) (french only)



Les barrières de protection individuelles (french only)

Le couvre visage (french only)

Le masque en tissu (french only)

Quand porter le masque en tissu ou le couvre visage? (french only)

Les gants de protection (french only)



Questions et réponses (Société de sauvetage)  (french only)

Questions et réponses (INSPQ) (french only)

Lignes directrices du ministère de l'Environnement et de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques concernant l'ouverture des piscines et autres bassins artificiels extérieurs (french only)



Water park safety (8,5X11)

Water park safety (11X17)

Water park safety (24X36)


Swimming pool safety (8,5X11)

Swimming pool safety(11X17)

Swimming pool safety (24X36)


Waterfront safety (8,5X11)

Waterfront safety  (11X17)

Waterfront safety  (24X36)


If you have any questions regarding the situation of COVID-19, email us !