Tout baigne au soleil

Tout baigne au soleilWhat is this about?

“Cancer”: a word that just keeps on being terrifying, no matter how often we hear it. It seems, however, that this fear vanishes when winter leaves; people just want to enjoy the long-awaited warmth of the sun and work on their tan at the pool or at the beach.

This is why the Lifesaving Society, in cooperation with the ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux and the Institut national de santé publique du Québec, has implemented Tout baigne au soleil. It’s an innovative program that aims at raising awareness among lifeguards and patrons about the importance of sun protection, specifically during outdoor aquatic activities.

How does it work?

Help protect patrons and lifeguards against the dreadful effects the sun’s harmful rays can have, and encourage them to adopt healthy sun protection habits? Nothing’s easier: simply download the free Tout baigne au soleil documentation (available in French only)! It includes:

  • The Guide du gestionnaire aquatique, complete with all information and tools aquatic managers need to implement a sun protection policy at their facility;
  • The Guide du sauveteur, which combines information about skin cancer to fun activities for young patrons and a poster about the basic rules of sun protection;
  • Three different colouring pictures;
  • A printable poster;
  • A large poster sent by mail (limited quantities).

Click here to access documentation. Note that you will be redirected to a page from the French version of the Website.

In addition to the program, the Canadian Cancer Society (CCS) offers a quick training to lifeguards about myths and realities related to tanning. Contact the CCS for more information.

This summer, let’s all enjoy the warm weather while being extra careful about the sun’s harmful rays!